8 top tips from 30 minutes with Chelsea Dinsmore and what they mean to me

13173633_1139665072744964_5842335994384895168_nIf you’re an entrepreneur and you haven’t heard of the Live Your Legend movement yet – then you’re really missing out. I was told about it two years ago from a friend I met while he was travelling (shout out to you, Kev!). It literally took me two years to get there (Kev couldn’t believe his Facebook!) and I now believe being part of such an inspirational group will help me going forward in my journey. So today I want to share my lessons and also share a bit of the reason for why I think this is the case.

First, what propelled me to go to Live Your Legend two years later was Chelsea – the Chief Inspiration Officer of the entire Live Your Legend movement. She didn’t start the Live Your Legend movement – her husband did. They had been on one of their global charity travels when Scott Dinsmore had and accident and passed away. Chelsea was with him at the time. She’s only my age. I couldn’t imagine watching my life partner, my soul mate, pass away in front of me. I can’t even begin to imagine how painful that experience would have been for her. That was in September 2015. And here she is in May the following year, speaking about him and his movement with confidence, a calm composure and absolute grace and dignity. Amazing!


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